Trump´s speech

I agree with his speech (link to it), so immigrantants CAN bring drugs, crime and other problems, but the majority doesn´t. It´s wrong to tell the good ones to go for what the bad ones did.

I´m afraid we have such politicians also in Germany. They have a similar opinion to Trump on refugees. For exemple the „AfD“ so the „Alterrnative für Deutschland“ or the „NPD“ the „Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands“. There is also a group called „PEGIDA“ so „Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes“ wich is against immigrants and all other people wich are different. They don´t like the politic of Merkel.

Well I think all of them are wrong. If people need help, we´d help them. It will cost much, but thats a fair price for a human life.

Immigrants in Germany


We read the Presidential Announcement on Donald Trump and think that the problems with the immigrants are not only in the USA.

In this text we want to say our own opinion. We don’t think that the problem with immigrants is only in America. Germany has the same problem.We think that the people are not the decisive point why it is difficult for the politicians to find a home for them. The problem is that there come to much people so the politics can not include all of them because it costs a lot of money.Besides that, some are  afraid of them because  they have another culture. Also some parties in Germany are against  them or want to close the borders to Germany.

To sum up we can say that the problems with immigrants are not only in America many other country have similar problems. But they can not send them back to their native lands. They have to make  a better life possible for them with a home and a job that the immigrants have money to live.

Trump`s presidential announcement speech

I disagree with Trump`s opinion in his Presidential Announcement Speech but I can understand some reasons in his speech.


I can understand Trump`s opinion because some politicians in Germany are like Trump, like the NPD. They are against immigrants because they think the immigrants bring crime, drugs and other problems. I don`t think so because not all immigrants are like they say.  The NPD starts protest marches against immigrants like the PEGIDA. But in some points I can agree, that SOME immigrants bring crime, not all!!!!!!

I think some immigrants can come because they have very many problems when they live in areas, where there is war.

Link to the presidential announcement speech of Trump:

America, not the only country with immigration problems ?

You have asked us about our opinion on Donald Trump. We disagree with lots of things he said about immigrants. We think it’s not right to discriminate people. In Germany we have parties like the AfD  and the NPD. They want to stop the immigrants and the refugees too. Here we also have the Pegida, they think also that immigrants are bad people. They came together and protest against immigrants. In some cities they have burned immigrant houses. In case of „Emergency“  they want to shoot at them. In Germany the politicians, who are against immigrants are Björn Höcke, Siegmar Gabriel and Frauke Petrie.
So you can see, that America is not the only country with racism problems.

Opinion on Donald Trump´s speech


we want to tell you something about politicians and Donald Trump´s speech against immigrants.

We don´t agree with him and think it´s very bad what he says about them. Some politicians in Germany think like Trump and want to send the immigrants and refugees back, but there are also some politicians who want to help them in their situation. Trump also says that immigrants are only bad and have problems like crime, drugs, or they are rapists. His words hurt them very much and it isn´t okay, that he says that. Maybe we can check and help them, to come out of their problems. We not only think so, we have to do it!

All in all, are we against Donald Trump and we think it´s not good, if he becomes the president of USA.

Immigrants in USA and Germany

This is an entry about my opinion on the politican person Donald Trump. I think most of us are thinking that Trump´s opinion is, that he does not want more illegal immigrants in the USA, but I think that he would be a good persident for the rich and normal people. In Germany there is another political person whose opinion on immigrants is like Trump´s.His name is Horst Seehofer and his party is named  CSU , it is a party of Bayern.

That was my opinion on the comparison between USA and Germany

Immigrants in Germany and America

Hey you there!

We are very interested in the topic of the presidential election in the USA. So we talked about the opinion of Donald Trump on illegal immigrants and we saw that there are similar opinions in Germany.

We think that it’s very bad to say that imigrants only bring problems like drugs and crime.Mayby some of them, but the most want to live in safety so they fleew for a better life.They left their problem but found new ones here: racism and prejudice. We are afraid that many peeople from the USA and Germany disagree with us. Because of persons like Donald Trump and parties like AFD and NPD. They blame the immigrants for weak society and crime. Some persons thought it’s right because it’s sounds easy. But that‘ s completly wrong!

Racism is a very big problem in the USA and Germany. We have to stop that!

Immigrants in the USA and Germany

Donald Trump´s speech

Donald Trump is an American businessperson, who is against illegal immigration  and who wants to be the president. We think Trump´s speech wasn´t very good, because he´s against illegal immigrants. Our opinion is that he should accept them, because everyone has the right to have a good life!

The situation in Germany

Some people in Germany like Horst Seehofer (CSU) and parties like the AfD are against illegal immigrants too and have a similar opinion like Donald Trump. But the most Germans disagree Trump and think that illegal immigrants should be accepted.

(studentrk & emmakd)

Donald Trump’s speech

We also have politicans like Donald Trump in Germany.But not all of our politicans are like that.A few of them help immigrants and refugees a lot.And that’s good.I think Donald Trump’s speech is not so good for his image,because a lot of people are against him.Me too.I agree with a lot of other people,because immigrants or refugees are only humans too and we have to help them.

German politicians similar to Donald Trump

Hey world!

Donald J. Trump is a famous candidate for president in the USA, he is against immigrants an does not want more immigrants in the USA. We disagree with him, because we accept  immigrants and they are just people like us.

There are lots of politicians like Frauke Petry or Jörg Meuthen in Germany, who are against immigrants too. Also there is a whole party, which does not like immigrants in Germany, it is called AfD it stands for ‚Alternative für Deutschland‘ . This party protests against immigrants and other religions with a very big crowd of followers. The name of a big protest is PEGIDA, most of these members are following the NPD-> Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands.

So you can see that the American politicians are not the only people who are against immigrants.